Top 20 Social Media Marketing Platforms - DigitalPedia

Social Media Marketing Platforms- We use Social Media Sites to promote our Business, Website, YouTube Channel etc.

Through which we can promote our blog / website, business through social media marketing platforms and gain maximum audience / visitors. On Social Media Marketing Sites, we can use both free and Paid medium and promote our business and website.

In today's article, we are telling you about the Top 20 Social Media Marketing Platforms, by using which you can also promote your business and website.

In the Top 20 Social Media Marketing Platforms, we have selected those social media sites which people use the most and with the help of which you can get maximum audience.

How you can use these social media marketing platforms and how popular they are, we are telling you in Detail.

    Top 20 Social Media Marketing Platforms
    Top 20 Social Media Marketing Platforms

    Top 20 Social Media Marketing Platforms

    01. Facebook

    Facebook Search (Created) 04 February 2004, Facebook is used by more than 1.59 Million people today. Which means we can get Millions of Audience by promoting any business or website on Facebook.

    Now, if users talk about Facebook, it is also used in countries outside India. Which means that through Facebook, we can promote our business or website not only in India but also in foreign countries.

    Talking about the use of Facebook, the use of Facebook in today's time is almost everyone

    For example: (Students, Teachers, Private Job Employees, Gov. Job Employees) etc all use Facebook so we can give information of our product or website to all of them through Facebook.

    02. Twitter

    Twitter was discovered on 21 March 2006. There are 320 Million Users on Twitter today. Through which we can get a very large number of audience through Twitter.

    Like Facebook, Twitter is also used in most countries all over the world. Because of this, we can promote our business in India and outside India.

    There are also some Limitation to share on Twitter, such as you can write only 140 characters on Twitter. Which you can call Disadvantage in a way.

    But we will say that any product can be described on Twitter in 140 characters. So that people can get information about our product because we have so many users on Twitter, because of this we have kept Twitter in 2nd place. "Social Media Marketing Platforms"

    03. Linkedin

    Linkdin was discovered on 14 December 2002, and Linkdin was Lounch on 05 May 2003. Linkdin is available in 24 languages ​​with 400 Million Registered Users.

    People of the same Profession on Linkdin can easily connect with each other and share their articles or products with each other. Because of which Linkdin is very important in social media marketing platforms.

    04. Google Plus

    Google Plus was launched on 15 December 2011. Google Plus is very important from SEO's Point of View.

    Now if you talk about Popularity, there are 418 Million Active Users on Google Plus. Because of which Google Plus is very popular

    Also, your business can be promoted through images, text, videos, etc. on Google Plus.

    05. YouTube

    YouTube was launched on November 2006. Let us tell you that on YouTube you can promote your business through videos and also give the URL of your blog / website in the description box.

    By which any user can open your blog / website by clicking on that URL. In this way you can promote your blog / website and also get more and more visitors.

    Now speaking of popularity, Millions of New Visitors come on YouTube and also YouTube is used in almost all countries in All Over Word.

    YouTube has become Word 2's Search Engine today because of its popularity.

    06. Pinterest

    Pinterest was launched in March 2010. As its name suggests, Pinterest is used to pin content.

    In 2015, 100 Millions of people started using Pinterest, which today has a very large audience on Pinterest. Pinterest is the best option for promotion of small business or website.

    07. Instagram

    Instagram was launched on 6 October 2010. On Instagram, you can share content like Travel, Fashion, Food, Art etc.

    Now, given the popularity of Instagram, the facility of sharing Text & Videos on Instagram has also been given.

    Talking about popularity, as many people use Facebook as many people also use Instagram. Therefore Instagram is also very popular according to Popularity, which gives us Lots of Audience.

    Top 20 Social Media Marketing Platforms
    Top 20 Social Media Marketing Platforms

    08. Tumblr

    Tumblr was developed by David Corp on February 2007.

    On Tumblr, you can share content with Photos, Text, Videos, Audio, Quotes etc. Type, so that we have lots of options from which we can promote our business or website.

    Talking about popularity, there are more than 200 Million Blogs published on Tumblr which shows that 200+ Million Peoples use Tumblr.

    09. Flickr

    Flickr was launched on 10 February 2004. On Flickr, we can share videos & photos. With which we can reach Visually Audience.

    Talking about popularity, 112 Million Users from 63 Countries use Flickr. Which gives us Millions of Audience.

    10. Reddit

    Reddit was launched on 23 June 2005. Reddit is a website related to News & Entertainment on which maximum people use to submit the URL of their blog post.

    You can also poll on 'Social Media Marketing Platforms' Reddit, so that people can like and dislike you. According to Reddit, if you get more Likes, then Reddit shows you on the Home Page.

    Talking about popularity, there are 36 Million Registered Users on Reddit and 231 Million Users per Month Create New Account. Which greatly increases the popularity of Reddit.

    11. Snapchat

    Snapchat is an Android App that was launched on September 2011. Snapchat is used to share images.

    With which we can promote our business or website by creating Logo, Banner through images.

    Talking about popularity, 18% of people using social media sites use Snapchat.

    12. Whatsapp

    Whatsapp was launched on 10 January 2009. Whatsapp is also an Android App on which you can share Photos, Texts, Videos, Links, Gif etc. Whatsapp is an app that is being left out in terms of popularity.

    Talking about India, all Android users install Whatsapp in their phone.

    13. Quora

    Quora was launched in June 2009. Quora is a question-answer website where anyone can ask their question.

    In whose reply you can also give the text and the URL of your blog / website. Quora has 80 Million Active Users so that you can answer your question and give your answer.

    14. Vine

    Vine was launched in June 2012. Vine was used while watching Twitter, you can share videos on Vine.

    Which should not be more than 6 Seconds. Let us tell you that Vine is an Android App, because today everyone uses Android Phones, so you can promote your business through the video of 6 Seconds on Vine.

    15. Periscope

    Periscope is a Live Video Streaming Android App that was launched on March 2015.

    On Periscope you can connect with your Members through Live Video Streaming and share your Experience with them. Talking about popularity, 10 Million people use Periscope today.

    16. BizSugar

    BizSugar was built in 2007 and launched in 2009. You can share photos, videos, text etc. on BizSugar.

    BizSugar provides its users with the facility to view and vote the content you have published, so that you get to know the quality of your product and also you can promote your product / website.

    17. StumbleUpon

    StumbleUpon was used by Ebay Company from 2007 to 2009, then later Garrent Camp, Geoff Smith and a number of investors bought StumbleUpon back. On StumbleUpon you can share the Content Link of your website.

    Talking about popularity, 25 Million users use SumbleUpon and share their articles on StumbleUpon.

    18. Delicious

    Delicious is a Social Bookmarking Website from which you can create Backlinks for your website. Delecious was discovered in 2003 and taken over by Yahoo in 2005. There are 5.3 Million Active Users available on Delicious.

    19. Digg

    Digg was launched in November 2004. Digg's basic use is content sharing, as well as Digg's special thing is that you can share content shared on Digg on Facebook and Twitter as well.

    There are 11 Million Active Users on Digg in Social Media Marketing Platforms, due to which Digg is a very popular website.

    20. Viber

    Viber was launched on 2 December 2010. Vider is an Android App that gives its user the facility to share photos, videos, audio etc.

    Viber is used by 600 Million people. 230 Million Per Month Active Users are available on Viber. This makes it a very popular Android App.

    In Conclusion: In this post, we have created a list according to their users (Popularity) and also shared information of your convenience Social Media Marketing Platforms. 

    If you like this article about Top 20 Social Media Marketing Platforms, please share this article to your social media and with your blogger friends. 

    Along with this, we want to know from you which according to you is the best option which you like more. You must write your answer in the Comment box. Thank you