10 Tips: How to Rank New Website on Google - DigitalPedia

Rank New Website on Google: Hello Friends,  welcome to DigitalPedia, in today's article, we are going to tell you about those 10 tips by using which you will be able to rank new website on Google and get good traffic on it.

Rank New Website on Google

When we all create a new website, then the biggest challenge before us is that how can we rank our website on Google (How to Rank New Website on Google), there cannot be  specific answer to this question.

But yes there are some tips which if you use, then your blog will definitely get ranked on Google and you will also get good traffic, so if you are a new blogger, then you read this Rank New Website on Google a little carefully and if If any topic is not clear to you, then you must tell us in the Comment box.

How to Rank New Website on Google
How to Rank New Website on Google 

How to Rank New Website on Google

Now let's talk about your today's question, how to rank new website on Google, as we said, there is no specific answer to this question, so we are telling you about 10 Tips: How to Rank New Website on Google, which you can follow. -

01. Choose Top-Level Domain

It is very important to have a domain name to create a website or blog, but in the beginning people often prefer to take a free domain or a very cheap domain, because at that time they feel that they should first learn. After that, we will take a good domain.

Because of this, all the hard work that is done on that blog is wasted. That's why you select a good domain name right from the beginning.

Today, on Godaddy and BigRock, you easily get a custom domain from Rs 300 to Rs 500.

02. Choose Best Topic for your Blog

It is very important to have a Topic to create a blog, but if you want to rank your new website on the Internet quickly, then it is important that your Topic is such that the Searches are more and the competition is less, due to which your Blog Search Engine But it gets ranked quickly.

We had suggested some best topics in the article, you must read that article once so that you can get some good ideas.

03. Website Design

Design is also a very important factor for ranking a blog on Search Engine, in which it is necessary to have something special in your blog, such as Menu, Important Pages, Social Media Links and Mobile Friendly Template, so whenever you create a blog, Be sure to pay attention to everything.

Today Search Engine gives priority to those blogs that are Mobile Friendly, so before applying Template on your blog, you must check whether your Template is Mobile Friendly or not.

04. Submit your blog on Webmaster

When you implement the above mentioned things in your blog, then definitely add your blog to Webmaster, so that the search engine can get the information of your blog and it can show your blog in the search result.

Along with putting the website or blog in Webmaster, you must also set up a Sitemap, and check from time to time that whatever posts you update on your blog are getting indexed in Webmaster.

05. SEO Optimized Article

A Blog Post Search Engine only ranks when it is well SEO ie Search Engine Optimization, in short, then you have to write your article in such a way that your keyword is repeated many times and written in the right place Go

For example: Talking about this article, we have targeted Rank New Website on Google Keyword in the article "How to Rank New Website on Google", which is 2 times in Satrting of the article, 1 time in the middle, in Heading and End. written.

So that Search Engine can identify our Targeted Keyword and show it in Search Result.

06. Image Optimization

Images in blog posts are very important, because here you can add Meta Tag, which increases the importance of your Keyword and Search Engine can easily identify your Keyword.

Normally Search Engine cannot read images, so it is important that whenever you upload images in your blog post, you must optimize them. We have published a Detail Article regarding Image Optimization, in which we have told about Image Optimization Techniques, you must also read that article.

07. Titile

When we write a blog post, then first we have to write our title, which tells what our post is about.

But a better title is one in which Targeted Keywords and Helping Keyword are given, and at the same time the title should be so big that it should be full show in the search result. Along with this, the user should also know about your article whether your article is full-fill or not.

08. Meta Description

When you write a blog post, you have to write many things with it such as Description, Actually Description is the place where you can write a few words to engage people, so that people can learn about your content. To find out and click on your blog post.

In addition, you can also write your Targeted Keyword and Helping Keywords in the description, so that the search engine can easily understand about your blog post and it can show your blog up in the search result.

09. Permalink

Permalink is most important for blog post because it is the URL (address) of your blog post. Search Engine gives more importance to permalinks that are smaller, and that contain Targeted keywords.

So whenever you publish your blog post, it must be checked that your Permalink is small and your Targeted Keyword is written there, due to this your blog will start ranking quickly.

10. Backlinks

Backlinks comes at the end, Backlinks are very important for a blog, because this helps the Search Engine know how many Trusted Websites are referring your article.

So whenever you publish a blog post, then definitely create backlinks for that particular post as well. For which you can use Social Media Sites, Book Marking Sites and Guest Post.

Today there are many popular social media sites and book marking websites available on the internet, where you can share your latest blog post. With this, you will also get instant traffic and the value of your post will also increase, due to which your blog will soon be ranked on Search Engine.

In Conclusion

In this How to Rank New Website on Google, the 10 Points that we have placed, all these are very important for you. So you try to collect Detail Information about all these topics, so that you can follow these things and your blog will soon rank on Search Engine Now if you have any question in this topic which is about  How to Rank New Website on Google, then you will give us in the Comment Box can ask. To read similar informative articles, subscribe to DigitalPedia Blog, join us on social media and bookmark the blog thank you.